Honduras Crisis : Soldiers ousted the democratically elected president
MOSCOW, June 29 (RIA Novosti) - International pressure means the deposed president of Honduras, sent into exile by the country`s military, is likely to return to power, a Russian expert said Monday.
"In all likelihood, he will return. There are such precedents, and when there is this kind of public opinion pressure - from the U.S., the European Union and Latin America - then there is a greater chance he will return than otherwise," said Vadim Teperman, director of the Latin America Institute`s economic research center.
Parliamentary speaker Roberto Micheletti was sworn in as president of the Central American state on Sunday after President Jose Manuel Zelaya was deposed in a coup. The military`s action, apparently supported by the country`s Supreme Court, has been condemned from Washington to Havana and Caracas.
Teperman said a major role in resolving the crisis could be played by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, a close ally of Zelaya.
"Much here depends on the position of Hugo Chavez. Chavez is an impulsive man, capable of making blunders. He has made ugly statements but fortunately has never crossed the line," the analyst said. "I think this time he will not cross it either, 95%."
"But there is a 5% chance commonsense will fail him, then everything will deteriorate, because that will create a foundation: aha, Chavez seized power and ours will follow this path as well," he said.
Teperman added that the president has his supporters but faced a strong opposition, including on the part of influential parties` leaders.
Honduran military arrested Zelaya on Sunday morning, hours before polls were due to open for a non-binding referendum on ending the restriction on presidents serving one four-year term.
Honduras` Supreme Court had ruled the referendum illegal. The president was arrested at his residence and transported aboard a military plane to Costa Rica in what was Central America`s first coup since the end of the Cold War.
Micheletti promised Monday that presidential polls would go ahead as scheduled on November 29, a Venezuelan paper said.
World leaders have condemned the coup, with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urging "the reinstatement of the democratically elected representatives of the country."
U.S. President Barack Obama has called on the coup leaders to "respect the rule of law."
Original article
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